What the move to Level 2 water restrictions in Sydney means for you
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The region’s quickly declining water reserves and no sign of significant rainfall on the horizon have prompted the move to Level 2 water restrictions across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra region from 10 December 2029. With Greater Sydney dam levels at around 45% combined, and some dams as low as 26% (Cataract Dam, Upper Nepean) the NSW Government hopes to slow use to extend the current water supply.
Level 2 water restrictions will definitely change the water habits of Sydney residents, with a little work you can still wash the car and keep the garden alive. Here are our plumber’s tips on what water restrictions mean for your home.
During level 2 water restrictions you can:
- Water your garden using a watering can or bucket prior to 10 am and after 4 pm each day.
- Use drip irrigation or smart watering systems for a maximum of 15 mins prior to 10 am and after 4 pm each day.
- Top up an existing pool or spa using a hose with a trigger nozzle, watering can, or bucket for a max of 15 mins each day to replace water lost through evaporation.
- Wash your vehicles with a bucket and sponge or at a commercial car wash.
- Use recycled water, greywater, rainwater, bore and river water where needed. (Some restrictions and licenses are required, see Sydney Water for details.)
- Water new turf using a handheld hose with a trigger nozzle or use sprinklers and watering systems (continuous area of more than 30㎡) for up to 4 weeks from the delivery date following the Sydney Water New Turf Watering Plan.
- Wash your boat for 10 mins using a hose fitted with a trigger nozzle after the boat has been in seawater.
- Flush boat motors with a bucket or specially designed flushing device fitted to a hose.
- Fill water tanks on a boat using a hose - do not leave them unattended or allow them to overflow
- Clean bilges using a high-pressure device or hose with trigger fitting.
- Wash trailered vessel and trailer using bucket and sponge or commercial car wash
- Clean essential safety components of boat trailers using a high-pressure hose or hose with a trigger nozzle.
- Spot clean hard surfaces for health, safety or emergency reasons with a hose with trigger fitting or high-pressure cleaner.
- Wash your wheelie bin with a bucket or hose with a trigger fitting
- Wash windows or other glass with bucked and sponge or engage a window cleaner who has an exemption permit.
- Use recycled water, greywater, rain or bore water to top up or fill a pond or water feature.
During level 2 water restrictions you can’t:
- use a regular sprinkler, soaker hose weeping hose or watering system at any time.
- let the water run off onto paths, driveways, or roads.
- allow children or pets to play under sprinklers, and use children’s toys which connect to a hose.
- Use a hose with a trigger nozzle, sprinkler or soaker hose to water new turf after the initial 4-week period.
- Fill a new or renovated pool or spa (larger than 500L) without a permit, pool cover or lockable spa cover.
- Clean your car using a hose, even with a trigger nozzle.
- Clean external building walls, gutters or hard surfaces like paths and driveways with a hose or high-pressure cleaner.
- Use water for dust suppression without a permit (unless no alternative is reasonably available).
- Leave hoses or taps running unattended at any time.
- Use drinking water to fill, refill, or top up your new or existing pond, lake, fountain or water feature.
While fines for anyone deliberately misusing or wasting water can be $220 for individuals and $550 for businesses Sydney Water is hoping residents will do the right thing to save water in their homes to avoid further increases in the restriction levels.
For full details on level 2 water restrictions in Sydney, exemptions, and how to apply for exemptions for your home or business visit the Syndey Water website - sydneywater.com.au
Every drop of water saved in your home helps extend Sydney's water reserves. Need help upgrading your plumbing to water-efficient fittings? Speak to the plumbing team at Everyday Plumbing today.
Keep an eye on Sydney's dam levels yourself - waternsw.com.au