Rinnai hot water systems troubleshooting guide
Having problems with your Rinnai hot water unit? Using the various Rinnai hot water operation manuals we've put together this troubleshooting guide to help you identify error codes, faults and issues you might be having.
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Continuous flow water heater - Infinity gas instant hot water system
Error code will display on the digital monitor of the water controller or status monitor on the front cover of the unit.
- Error Code _ - Noticeable reduction in water flow -
- Remedy - Inlet water filter needs to be cleaned - service call.
- Error Code 03 - Power interruption during Bath fill (water will not flow on power reinstatement) -
- Remedy - Turn off all hot water taps. Press On/Off twice.
- Error Code 10 - Air intake or flue blocked. -
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 11 - No ignition / No gas supply.
- Remedy - Check gas is turned on at the water heater and gas meter or cylinder.
- Error Code 12 - Flame Failure / Low gas flow.
- Remedy - Check gas is turned on at the water heater and gas meter or cylinder. Check there are no obstructions to the flue outlet.
- Error Code 14 - Remaining Flame Safety Device
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 16 - Over Temperature Warning.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 19 - Electrical Earth Check Fault.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 21 - Incorrect Dipswitch Setting Detected
- Remedy - Installer to check Dipswitch Settings / Service Call.
- Error Code 32 - Outgoing Water Temperature Sensor Fault.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 41 - Ambient Temperature Sensor Fault.
- Remedy - Service Call
- Error Code 52 - Gas Modulating Valve Fault.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 61 - Combustion Fan Fault
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 65 - Water Flow Control Fault (Does not stop flow properly).
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 70 - Microprocessor Fault.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 71 - Microprocessor Fault.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code 72 - Microprocessor Fault.
- Remedy - Service call
- Error Code X - Wireless water controller (when fitted) is ‘Out of Range’ due to the distance from the transceiver or an obstruction.
- Remedy - Move the wireless water controller or transceiver or remove the obstruction.
Error codes may be able to be cleared by turning the hot water tap OFF and then ON again. If this fails to clear the error, try pushing the On/Off button OFF and ON again or turning the power for the unit OFF waiting 10 seconds then turning it back ON again.
All troubleshooting information and fault code information from Rinnai Infinity Operation and Installation Manual - https://www.rinnai.com.au/online/hot-water/continuous-flow-hot-water/infinity/infinity-26/

Electric storage hot water system troubleshooting - Hotflo
Insufficient or not hot water
Is the electricity supply connected?
- Check that the isolating switch marked “HOT WATER” or “WATER HEATER” at the meter box is switched on. Check also that any isolating switches installed near the water heater are switched on.
- Check the fuse or circuit breaker marked “HOT WATER” or “WATER HEATER” at the meter box. Repeated failure of fuse or tripping of circuit breaker indicates a fault which must be investigated by an authorised tradesperson.
Is your unit a Twin Element electric water heater?
- A twin element model (non-simultaneous) must have a continuous electricity supply to the top heating element. Check that this is the case.
Are you using more hot water than you think?
- Often it is not realized how much hot water is actually used. This applies especially to showering. Review hot water usage, especially the time taken for showering, and investigate the use of flow control valves or Water saving shower roses.
Thermostat settings?
- Check the temperature of hot water delivered with a thermometer placed under the closest outlet (usually the kitchen sink) on a non-tempered hot water line. This test should be done early in the morning after overnight electrical boosting before any hot water is used. The temperature of the water delivered should be at least 55°C (allowing for heat losses in pipework). If this is not the case, the temperature may need to be increased. Contact your installer or Rinnai to discuss adjusting the thermostat.
No water from the hot tap?
- Restriction in the hot tap or failure of the cold water supply to the heater. Check for water flow at the other hot taps and that the cold water isolation valve is fully open.
High electricity bills
If you think your electricity bill is too high, check for these possibilities. If, after investigating, you still require assistance contact Rinnai.
- You may be using more hot water than you think. This applies especially to showering. Review hot water usage, especially the time taken for showering, and investigate the use of flow control valves or ‘water saving’ shower roses. Investigate recent changes to hot water usage patterns.
- Water heater valves may be discharging excessively. Refer to the section “Safety Devices” on page 7.
- There may be hot water leakages in hot water pipes or taps. Have these checked and rectified by a plumber.
- There may have been changes in electricity tariffs since your last bill.
All troubleshooting information and fault code information from Rinnai Hotflo Electric Operation and Installation Manual
Gas storage hot water system troubleshooting
No Hot Water - gas hot water systems
- Is the Pressure & Temperature Relief Valve discharging too much water?
- Do you have the correct size water heater for your requirements? Sizing details are available from your Rinnai supplier.
- Is one outlet (such as the shower) using more hot water than you think?
- Carefully review the family's hot water usage and if necessary check the shower flow rates with a bucket, measuring the amount of water used over that period of time. If it is not possible to adjust water usage patterns, an inexpensive flow control valve can easily be fitted to the shower outlet.
- Consider that during nighttime heating when the ambient temperature is cold, the time taken to heat the tank can take longer so you may find that the tank has not fully recovered from a period of heavy usage the previous evening.
- Consider that often the hot water usage of showers, washing machines and dishwashers can be underestimated. Review these appliances to determine if your daily usage is greater than the storage volume of your water heater. For example, if you have a 170 litre storage tank and you are using 300 litres of water it is possible that there will be certain times of the day where there is insufficient hot water. It is also advisable to inspect tap washers etc. for leakage and replace if necessary.
- Is there a leaking hot water pipe or dripping hot water tap? A small leak can waste a large quantity of hot water.
- Replace faulty tap washers and have your plumber rectify any leaking pipe work.
Water Discharge from the PTR Valve
Pressure & Temperature Relief Valve (PTR) - It is normal for the PTR to allow a small quantity of water to escape during the heating cycle. The amount of discharge will depend on hot water usage.
Continuous trickle (PTR) - This is most likely due to a build-up of foreign matter. In this case, try gently raising the easing lever on the Pressure & Temperature Relief Valve for a few seconds then release gently. This may dislodge a small particle of foreign matter and rectify the fault.
Steady flow (PTR) - more than 20L per day - This may be caused by excessive water supply pressure, a faulty Pressure & Temperature Relief Valve or a faulty thermostat. Turn off the gas supply and contact Rinnai.
All troubleshooting information and fault code information from Rinnai Hotflo Gas Storage Operation and Installation Manual
Reference - https://www.rinnai.com.au/downloads/