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  2. Solar Hot Water

Solar Hot Water

Call us at 0488 801 008 or fill out our online booking form to get in touch.

Environmentally friendly solar hot water system installation

Whether you are aspiring to reduce your carbon footprint or trying to get your electricity bill lower, a solar hot water system may be just what you are looking for. Unlike traditional storage hot water systems, solar hot water systems work by harnessing the heat from the sun. That power is then converted into heat which in turn heats up your water.


Call us at 0488 801 008 or fill out the form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Benefits of a solar hot water system

A solar hot water system will cost you more to buy and install than other more traditional hot water systems. The higher cost of a solar system however is quickly recouped over the life of the system due to the savings from lower electricity bills.

When it comes to the benefits of solar hot water, they should outweigh the initial upfront cost.

  • You will end up making your money back over time and then that money becomes savings.
  • You use fewer greenhouse gases in your home by switching to a solar system.
  • Many newer homes will be able to incorporate this cost into the home loan.
  • Solar hot water systems are the only system that uses renewable energy for power.

Everyday Plumbing can help you to select and install a solar hot water system that will fit the consumption needs of your home. Find out how today by filling in our $0 service call form above.

Solar hot water system brands

As solar hot water systems continue to grow in popularity both in new home building and home renovation so does the growth in brands that provide a solar hot water system. The only things that separate these brands from each other are price and what their product can deliver to your home.

From the solar hot water system manufacturers

Below we have snippets from different brand sites about their system. You can visit their site by clicking the hot water system.


Dux SunPro

If you’re aiming to reduce your carbon footprint, choose a Dux Sunpro solar water heater. Sunpro uses the sun’s energy to heat water via solar panels. Comes with a gas booster ensuring hot water on cloudy days or in times of high demand.


Rheem Loline

Do your bit for the planet and save energy at the same time! Go solar with the Rheem Premier® Loline solar hot water heater. It's designed for cooler climates and all weather conditions.


Rinnai Flat Plate

Rinnai Flat Plate Solar Systems consist of a ground-mounted storage tank that is installed separately from the collectors mounted on the roof. A small pump circulates the water from the cylinder through to the collectors to absorb the maximum available solar energy.

Your local Sydney & Sutherland shire solar hot water specialists

If you need more information on how a solar hot water system can help you keep your bills down give us a call today at 9191 7309 or alternatively you can fill in our booking form. If you have made up your mind and want to have a new solar hot water system installed please fill in our online booking form. One of our friendly plumbers will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a suitable time.

Frequently Asked Questions about hot water

What’s the difference between a tempering valve & a TMV?
Which hot water system is right for me?
How does an electric hot water system work?

Contact us today.

If you have a serious plumbing, blocked drain or hot water problem, don't wait until its too late.

0488 801 008

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