How to stop a noisy tap
If you have ever experienced a noisy tap you know just how annoying and frustrating that whining sound can be every time you turn on your tap. Thankfully the majority of noisy taps boil down to a few reasons with a couple you can fix yourself. In some cases, however, you will have to phone your local plumber.
Common reasons for noisy taps
There are numerous reasons that can cause your taps to be making noise. Some of the most common reasons are:
- blocked aerator
- failed tap washers
- High water pressure
- Old hot water systems
Below we explain how to fix the issues listed above. Some you will be able to do yourself and some you will need a professional plumber for.
Noisy taps from the aerator blockage
What is a tap aerator?
The aerator is the mini gauze that you typically see on the spout of the tap. These gauzes are there to catch any mineral deposits that can make their way through the water stream.
How to fix an aerator problem
To test if this is the problem simply unscrew the aerator and turn on the tap. If the noise is gone then you know you just need to replace your aerator.
Noisy taps from failed washers
What is a tap washer?
The tap washer is located on the inside of the tap casing. It works by being screwed firmly against the water inlet stopping any water flow from coming out of the spout.
How to replace a tap washer
If this is the problem you will be able to tell if due to the washer being worn out or having the wrong size washer. Please Note: To avoid flooding you will need to turn the water supply off at the mains of the property before dismantling your taps.
Noisy taps from high water pressure
How can I find out what the water pressure is in my home?
Some water systems have a gauge preinstalled in order to read your system's current water pressure. These gauges will typically be closest to the pipe inlet to your premise. Gauges on your hot water systems are typically for temperature and will provide no insight into water pressure.
How to fix water pressure issues
Water pressure in a premise should be no greater than 80 psi. Any higher can cause strange noises to make their way through your taps. You will need to get your plumber to address issues with water pressure.
Noisy hot water system
Why is the hot water system making noises?
In older homes, it is quite common that the hot water system is no longer adequate to keep up with the demands of the household. Over time the pipes or hot water tank can become blocked with either scale or debris. All of these contributing factors can result in noisy plumbing.
How to fix a noisy hot water system
In the event that your hot water system is the reason behind your noisy plumbing, you will need to seek professional assistance from a local licenced plumber.
Regular plumbing maintenance
A lot of problems including noisy taps can be avoided with regular plumbing maintenance. This is the only way to properly find problems before they become issues. You can contact our team on 0488 801 008 to organise a time to come out and fix your noisy tap or to schedule regular maintenance.
Please note: By doing any of the things written above you are taking full responsibility for any damages that may happen as a result. Everyday Plumbing provides this guide for informational purposes only and strongly suggest that any plumbing work be conducted by a licensed professional.